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Digital Portable Milligram Scale 50 x 0.001g NEWACALOX High Precision Jewelry Lab Reload Powder Gold Scales,Tare with Calibration Weights
Only buy in newacalox store, other are fake. The daily price of this scale is 17.99, 39.99 is the price of the seller who want to cheat the money, order will not be shipped, don't buy it. anti-skid ABS tray...
Digital Portable Milligram Scale 50 x 0.001g NEWACALOX High Precision Jewelry Lab Reload Powder Gold Scales,Tare with Calibration Weights
Only buy in newacalox store, other are fake. The daily price of this scale is 17.99, 39.99 is the price of the seller who want to cheat the money, order will not be shipped, don't buy it. anti-skid ABS tray...
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